AM was super stupid for the first lesson. boring as usual.
the next period was my fave - recess!
ate prawn mee, thn camilla told us a really sick joke, about lj hair =.=
totally no appetite to eat after tht can!
chinese aft that, boring as usual. cant believe i bought another
thn came art, lum nv come! we all super happy la. thn we went down
to manning's art room. zhang ge was there to collect his art piece.
so we starting asking alot of questions la. its super uber nice okay.
slacked abit, then came physics. i was totally no mood for that today,
so i sat with shanooon. :D did some crazy stuffs.

aft sch, we went to do our english newscast project. it took super long la.
and tht michelle keep complaining. =.=
reached home, skipped tuition (again).
played rak like mad. thn played awhile with gwy, thn i played viwawa
with him (: