it was super fun today :D
cam, eunice, sandy & kunzi came over to my hse.
talked and had fun, played 21.
thn we went over to eunice's hse,
ate dumplings & carrot cakes,
played 21 again with $$ :D
i watched them play while i slept on th bed.
asked them to take pics but they didnt want.
wnt to sandy's after tht.
eunice's dad fetched us thr.
played 21 AGAIN.
i joined in this time :D
lol its like damn funny, cos everyone dun wanna be
banker. cam lost like shit in the end,
i think sandy won th most money.
i kept winning in the first few rounds,
but lost the last 2 when my bet was the biggest):
had fun, now waiting for samuel to send his pics
so i can complete th pic we took frm last year.
happy. :D