MONDAYI think everyone had fun in physics lab. Heehee.
We had to do an experiment, and the materials needed was:
String, cork (with rubber band tied around), retort stand, and a metal ball.
So when we were doing the experiment I got so fucking bored.
So i shouted across the room to Cam:
"Are you having fun with your cork?"
The people around there all burst out laughing xD
Then we started to come up with alot of versions of it...
But I think Mingteck's one is the mostmostmost funny.
I cant really rmb what he said, but it goes something like this
"Walao, you all so evil, first you tie a rubber band around the cork,
still break it into half. Then you still put a string through it, den inside only got ONE ball ah."
TUESDAYWoke up late, ponned sch.
Went to bugis lib with parents.
Borrowed art books then came home.
TODAYWas in a super bad mood.
I quarrelled with Mingteck.
*feels bad*
But I know that we'll get over it.
We had a really big quarrel last year.
I don't know how to express my pain in words,cos im just keeping all my pain inside me.Even that time when the wind stays Its not enough for me. I smile one more time and give my final greeting: I love you.
I am tired now and love hurts but Even if that time is just a memory I have to give my final greeting,I love you.