im gonna blog the 'keane' way.
things i did today:
1: skipped bible class cos my hair so effing short
2: went for music lesson
3:came home to chiong rak
4: went to aunt house for easter dinner
5: discovered an AMAZING drawing book in cousin's room but didnt dare to ask if i cld borrow
my ahhh... cousin's mom come back to sg :/
den they all ask abt my bro (he from poly drop to ite)..
he's still so childish can. 19 yrs old still go lan.
still smoke. still skip classes (tats the reason why he got expelled from poly)
but he still skip classes now to go to lan i think that is plain idiotic.
parents not working. gamble gamble gamble.
(they told me not to tell anyone but here i am telling to the whole world. guilty? no.)
my mom said my dad lost a lot of money today.
they want me to go jc ( i die also donwan ) cos i'll prolly flunk every sub.
mom: wat are yr interests?
me: art.
mom: aiyoo. art is useless. those do art one all live in the street.
blah whatever. its like the entire family is depending on me.
if i dont do well for me o lvls im gonna ruin the family's reputation.
what i want now:
- iwannabeagooddesigner
- iwannabeagoodmusician
- iwannagoshopping
(honestly i have stopped shopping since last year. didnt buy anything new cos of the family situation
and i've learnt how impt money is)
- ijustwantmyfrenstounderstandme
lastly, i dont know wat to do if i do badly for my o's. & im tired of studying.
everything's just falling apart.
& to those who said im rich, may the devil bless you.