screw that jimmy tong.
made us do 35 sit ups, push ups and starjumps (i practically DIED on this one).
12 dead fish, 12 up and downs (i dunno what is it called) and 2 rounds in and out of the hall.
after pe ran down w wynne, eunice, jiaxiang and weiming to buy drink. got caught by that stupid mrskhoo.
ppl thirsty cannot meh? later die of dehydration how?
my legs turned jelly after that.
and now my thighs are hurting like mad.
maths test. quite easy lah. i think i was one of the first few to finish..
but i ddint know to leave the ans in what form!
recess. sat with the 2 int guys. they keep saying i turn very vulgar and stuff..
i so gentle, caring, helpful, kind etc.
HAHA.said bye to mal. gave her a hug (:
and oh, i think it was yesterday, i rolled my eyes at him..
i cant believe it! i did it!!
haha!! :DDDDD
after that was... chem!
did crystals! ooh pretty pretty!
then john (never in my life did i talked to him before, neither did he) dropped his packet of crystals on my table (it was HARD liquid!!!) den said ' nah song gei ni '
wth. -.-
i walked behind him and put on his table.
the guys at my chem class so friendly can?
even the malay guy who nv talk to me bfr also talk to me today..
haha! (:
then chinese.. so boring lah :/
then maths again!!
im really sick of seeing both their faces!!
(yes including mr goh's! he finally came to check my work today.. [he NEVER checks my work..] but moved away within 5 secs!! -.-)
ooh err.. english!!
mr singh's such a nice teacher!