bbq day1.

OMG WHT WAS TJ DOING TO WJ! AHHHHHHHH shit they're gonna murder me whn they see this >< ( okay they were doing NOTHING. just look closely :p )

poker time.

mine. dont wry i didnt get drunk. xDD a lot of guys drank jolly too.

bbq day2.

whoa, have u seen prawn this big? it was at chuanhui's fishy farm.


jianhui's dyed hair. i think its not clear enough.

bbq time!

class meeting today.

anywy abt this retarded guy in animation class. he's just sec one lah.. but he's damn fkin irritating. i cant believe that i even pitied him last time! here's wht he said to me.
LOUISE: are you single?
me: *rolls eyes* yeah.
alvin whispers softly ovr: bibi, someone is interested in you!
LOUISE: how come that guy keeps coming to you then? *points to minghui/alvin* ( i didnt bother to notice who, sorry. )
me: he's my frn.
LOUISE: are you sure?
me: yes.
LOUISE: really really sure??
me: yes!
LOUISE: reaalllll sure?
me: YES!!
den he walks awy saying..
'you dont look like someone who is single..'
i know its good lah but like WTH CAN den he keeps coming ovr to my com and irritate me, see wht im doing etcetcetc.
den he came ovr this time and said : i wanna hit you.
me: whts yr problem?
then he flicks me with his hand. HARDLY.
he comes ovr again and says : i wanna hit you again.
*im rly pissed alrdy VERYVERYVERY.*
me: get lost.
LOUISE: what? *he turn his hands into a ball*
me: GET LOST!!!!!!!
LOUSIE: ok fine...
and i took some pictures of him.

serves him right for disturbing me. and in these pics you'll notice he likes to open his legs
i dont care if he's a sec1 cos he pissed me off today.